0706974747 / 0706974343.

About Us


  1. The Board of Directors

The nine Directors are vetted and approved by the Regulator.  The Bank  prescribes and upholds good governance principles to the core.  The board is constituted and run by various board committees that comprise of a of independent and non-independent directors with relevant academic and professional qualifications as well as exposure to the sector as follows:

     i) Finance, Administration and Strategy Committee.

     ii) Credit Committee.

     iii) Audit, Risk Committee and Compliance Committee.

        2) The Management 

The Management comprise of well-grounded officers with relevant education background and exposure to the sector:

  1. Chief Executive Officer.
  2. Finance and Strategy.
  3. Internal Audit.
  4. Risk and Compliance.
  5. Operations and Service Delivery.
  6. Business Innovation and Technology.
  7. Credit Administration.
  8. Business Development.
  9. Information, Communication and Technology.

Our Branches / Offices.

Bringing business near to you. For all your needs on;

  1. Cheque or Documents Drop-off.
  2. Account Opening.
  3. Loan Applications.
  4. General Enquiries.


KENOL | Eagle Nest Plaza | Murang’a County.

Tel: 0709 768 550.

Email: info@muunganomfbank.co.ke

Website: www.muunganomfbank.co.ke

KANGARI | EastEnd Mall | Ground Floor | Kangari | Murang’a County.

Tel: 0709 768 500.

Email: info@muunganomfbank.co.ke

Website: www.muunganomfbank.co.ke

GATURA | Gatura Shopping Mall | Murang’a County.

Tel: 0709 768 520.

Email: info@muunganomfbank.co.ke

Website: www.muunganomfbank.co.ke

NGARA | Liaison Office | Ngara Heights | 7th Floor | Ngara | Nairobi County.

Tel: 0706 974 343.

Email: info@muunganomfbank.co.ke

Website: www.muunganomfbank.co.ke

DELVIEW | Delview Park | Delview | Murang’a County.

Tel: 0709 768 530.

Email: info@muunganomfbank.co.ke

Website: www.muunganomfbank.co.ke

NDUNYU CHEGE | Kesma Plaza | Ndunyu Chege.

Tel: 0709 768 540.

Email: info@muunganomfbank.co.ke

Website: www.muunganomfbank.co.ke


Avocado Boost.

Maziwa Boost.

Majani Boost.

Kuku Boost.


To create a community of people who are economically and socially empowered.


To be the base for establishing sustainable socio-economically empowered community.

Core Values.

We are guided by the following Core Values:

• Integrity
• Transparency
• Accountability
• Consistency
• Professionalism
• Customer-Centricity
• Innovation