0706974747 / 0706974343.

Delivery Channels

Muungano Microfinance Bank PLC > Delivery Channels

1. Mobile Banking

  1. Deposits

To deposit to your Muungano MF Bank account, Go to lipa na Mpesa >> Enter our Paybill Number (505452) >> Muungano MF Bank account >> Enter Your Preferred Amount >>Enter your Mpesa pin>> Click Send.

        2) Withdrawals, Transfers and Utility Bills

Did you know that you can access Your account anytime and at any place? Our Mobile Banking services Features are:

Our Mobile Banking services Features are:

2. Our Branches / Offices

EastEnd Mall | Fourth Floor | P.O Box 355 10218 | Kangari | Murang’a County.

Tel: 0706 974 747

Email: info@muunganomfbank.co.ke

Website: www.muunganomfbank.co.ke

EastEnd Mall | Ground Floor | Kangari | Murang’a County.

Tel: 0706 974 522

Email: info@muunganomfbank.co.ke

Website: www.muunganomfbank.co.ke

Gatura Shopping Mall | Ground Floor | Kangari | Murang’a County.

Tel: 0706 974 974 / 0706 975 975

Email: info@muunganomfbank.co.ke

Website: www.muunganomfbank.co.ke

Liaison Office | Ngara Heights | 7th Floor | Ngara | Nairobi County.

Tel: 0706 974 343

Email: info@muunganomfbank.co.ke

Website: www.muunganomfbank.co.ke